
WWE Tables, Ladders & Chairs 2015 - 5 points to note

The Hothead went berserkIt’s almost the end of the year and with dwindling ratings, uninteresting storylines and confused writing has been dominating the WWE main roster.  TLC is one of those Pay Per Views which, on paper, always appears to be promising given the unpredictable nature of events that might unravel.You come into it, thinking about extremes. The build up to this PPV had been underwhelming, which is expected, given that for three consecutive weeks WWE produced some of the worst episodes of Raw.So, nobody will blame you for not eagerly awaiting this PPV to arrive. But most of all, this PPV was a pleasant surprise. Reigns, just by the way, looked really awesome in defeat because of what happened after his match.Here are the 5 points to note from TLC 2015 - 

#1 Unleash the badassery

Triple H felt the full wrath of Reigns’ anger

Sure, Sheamus won. That was expected. But this isn’t about Sheamus. It’s all about Roman reigns. Reigns got beat. Rusev and Del Rio had a huge role to play in it.

But it’s not the match per se but what unravelled after the match that will be remembered by most. It was something that made a huge statement. And good for WWE that Reigns made it look so, so good.

He unleashed his rage on Sheamus, Rusev and Del Rio and then there was one.

And that was Triple H.

Triple H was demolished by Reigns. DEMOLISHED. Reigns was relentless in his attack and the crowd ate it all up.

It looks like Reigns Vs Triple H is finally on. 

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