Top 10 Survivor Series Stats and Facts
For regular people, November might just be a month before December but for wrestling fans, November is all about Survivor Series. Being one among the big four pay-per-views, Survivor Series is a big part of the WWE calendar and that makes the expectations sky high.This year WWE is going to let a traditional elimination match headline the pay-per-view and with the lights of John Cena, Kane, Seth Rollins, Randy Orton and Triple H involved in that match, there is no shortage of star quality.The angle between Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt is another attraction of the pay-per-view but before we head out to witness the latest edition of Survivor Series there is a lot of history to be relived. So here is a look at the facts and stats from the pay-per-view’s rich history.
#10 No Survivor Series without the legends
Over the years, many WWE superstars have made it into the Survivor Series match card but it was Undertaker and Shawn Michaels that did it the most number of times.
Taker and Michaels have had a match at Survivor Series in 17 separate occasions each. The first survivor series was held in 1987 and 2014 would mark the 28th edition of the pay-per-view. By having 17 appearances each, Michaels and Taker has appeared in more than fifty percentages of all the survivor series.
Undertaker made his WWE debut at the pay-per-view as well while Michaels has the infamous Montreal screw job match in that magical number of 17.