
Top 5 Brothers of Destruction moments

Brothers of DestructionWhat is the biggest kayfabe success that WWE had in their history?It is a tough question and the answer heavily depends on the person who is answering it. But if it comes down to me, then I would say that the biggest kayfabe success story of WWE is the ‘Brothers of Destruction’ angle.Why? Because there are still people out there who think that Undertaker and Kane are real life brothers. For some reason, most WWE fans ignore the fact that they have no blood relation in real life and blindly follow the Kayfabe storyline. We list the standout ‘Brothers of Destruction’ moments’

#5 Reunion and Flying Goat

Undertaker had a memorable match with CM Punk back in WrestleMania 29.

The next night on Monday Night Raw, the Phenom was attacked by Shield. However, Kane and Daniel Bryan came to the aid of the dead man and fended off the hounds of justice. It was great to see Kane and Undertaker getting a brief reunion due to the alliance and Bryan being in the mix, added star power.

Taker and Team Hell No faced off against Shield two weeks later and though Undertaker was not on the winning side, it was a solid reunion. And since they managed to put over three youngsters in the process, it turned out to be even more special. 

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