
Top 5 Divas in the current WWE roster

This list would not have been very much credible a year or two ago. the divas division has seen the best of times and the worst of times. But right now, it looks like the good times are making a comeback. The main roster has some women who seem irreplaceable at the moment and it is hard to imagine someone else perform the way they perform.Here are the top 5 Divas amongthe current WWE womens roster.

#5 Paige

The management certainly has faith in her. otherwise why were her matches been given considerably more airtime than many other divas champions. She was consistenly present both on Raw and Smackdown.

She is one of the best wrestlers on the roster and to the delight of the management seems to command a great screen presence. She still needs to learn how to work on the microphone, though. 

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