Top 5 funniest moments in WrestleMania history
WrestleMania is the pay-per-view where WWE decides to go into a full on serious mode. There is no room for screw ups in the granddaddy of them all and the company puts in an extra mile of effort to make sure that the fans go home happy rather than asking for refunds.Although the pay-per-view is viewed with paramount seriousness by Vince McMahon, he always has an eye for some laughter. This has resulted in some funny memorable moments in WrestleMania history. With WrestleMania 31 just around the corner, let’s take some time out from the Road to WrestleMania and take a look at the funniest moments in the pay-per-view’s history.
#8 Honorable Mention: The Gimmick Battle Royal (WrestleMania 17)
For one reason or the other, WrestleMania has had a lovely relationship with battle Royals. The 17th edition of the pay-per-view saw gimmick battle royal were all the superstars from the past was put into a funny match. It had the likes of Kamala, Jim Cornette, The Iron Sheik, Doink the clown, Michael Hayes, Sgt. Slaughter and even the Gobbeldy Gooker.
All these men looked ridiculously out of place and at the end of the day, when Iron Sheik walked out as the winner, the fans were having cramps in their stomach from all the laughs.