
Top 5 makeovers for returning wrestling superstars

John Cena, like many wrestlers, received a warm welcome when he returned from injury.Whether for injury or for personal matters like weddings or movie shoots, the year-round nature of WWE programming requires that superstars take time away. Of course, that requires writing them off television in some way or another.But even more important than that is writing the superstar’s return, and in many cases, that time away has been used as a chance for a change in character or appearance.Here are the top five times a superstar did just that. Who knows? Maybe we'll see the same from one of the numerous superstars who are currentlyout of action.

#5 Triple H

Few performers have gotten to hear the type of reaction Triple H got at Madison Square Garden when he returned from a painful quadriceps injury in January of 2002.

After 8 months out of action, Triple H was returning as a face, but that wasn't the most noticeable change that night. Never a small man, the Triple H that came down the ramp at MSG was absolutely enormous, with biceps seemingly ready to rip through the sleeves of his leather jacket.

It would seem all those weeksrecuperating a leg injury left plenty of time for upper body workouts.

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