
WWE Top 5 Rumors of the Week and Analysis : 5 October, 2014

The business is clearly going through a horrible period for Vince McMahon and his promotion as everything they touch is getting messed up to the core.WWE Network was supposed to be a big revelation for the entire professional wrestling business but so far, it has been a curse. This week’s top rumors were rooted mostly around how bad the company’s run at this moment is and some speculations suggest at even worst outcomes.Brock Lesnar’s schedule got featured once again in the top rumors list while Orton made a surprise entry. The only good news for WWE seemed to be a huge return while others pretty much turned out to be on the other side.With all said, here is a look at which all speculations were worth mentioning in the list and how they would affect the company. 

#5 Jerichos return date

If the fans thought that they’ve seen the last of Jericho after Night of Champions, well think again.

The former World Champion will be returning sooner than expected as he is advertised for the WWE shows in November.

If the rumors turn out to be true, then this would mean that WWE has more plans for their human highlight reel and he will be back in time for playing a big role in the Survivor Series pay-per-view.

Jericho’s early return would be a big boost for the depleted roster and hopefully WWE would book him in some meaningful feud rather than wasting him in another feud similar to the one that he had with Bray Wyatt during his last spell in the company.

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