
Vince McMahon's Christmas wish list

The boss has a substantial wishlist for Santa this ChristmasChristmas may be a little less than three weeks away, but WWE may have been wishing for changes for months now.Sagging ratings, injuries, bad pay-per-view buys and fans flocking to other methods of entertainment, no wonder wrestling is becoming somewhat of a passe. With no solution in sight, it could get much worse before it gets better.The new year might bring new heroes and champions, but it may also yield the same results.Times, they are changing in WWE, but not for the better and certainly not worth fans clicking on Raw or Smackdown to see the same version of the old scene. Soap operas have a habit of sticking to programs way too long, lose fans, have them come back and haven’t missed a beat.This is right where the company is. WWE needs to show fans it has changed, the players may be the same, but the results are much different.Here are a few things the company can wish for from Santa over the holiday season.

#1 A healthy roster

WWE’s plans went to the drain after a string of untimely injuries

The number of talent on the injured reserve looks more like a MASH unit rather than a wrestling promotion.

Start with Seth Rollins and go from there. Daniel Bryan has been inactive most of the year after returning from a neck injury last year. Randy Orton needs surgery on his shoulder and Cesaro is on the shelf. Four major stars are on the mend, hurting the ability to create solid story lines and feuds.

Injuries in wrestling are a part of the business, but when they affect the overall product, it is more of an issue than you think. The fact WWE has not been able to go to other superstars and asked them to step up and lead the pack is disappointing.

Orton, Cesaro and Rollins will be out for an extended period of time and we do not know how long Bryan will be kept out of action. Not since Edge was injured –  which led to his subsequent retirement, has WWE been hit like this and as hard with major stars on the mend.


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