
WWE WrestleMania 32 Conspiracy Theories

The sequel’s dueCelebrity brings upon itself abnormal scrutiny. In fact, it would be an injustice to a famous person or occurrence if there weren't enough tongues awag in its wake. Face facts; UFOs, Yetis and what they put in KFC Chicken would all be vapid if not for the wide-eyed masses that trawl the interweb for anything to spike their adrenaline levels.Wrestling, or the WWE rather, is no different. The locker rooms and backstage corridors have engendered a never-ending trail of breadcrumbs for the faithful to hound in search of their Holy Grail. The most prominent in recent memory is the Undertaker's Streak ending at WrestleMania 30, which spawned a number of hypothesis' involving everyone from a referee's evil twin to the President of the United States. This WrestleMania is no different. A soon as the winds heralded the arrival of the season, all of the WWE's Madam Trelawney-resembling acolytes crawled out of the woodwork and began ritualistically studying whatever's transpired upto this moment, trying to sate their appetite for the esoteric. After weighing a number of them, here's what we think are worth whispering 

#5 Repping for Texas

Returning the favour

So WWE Creative haven’t treated us completely like brainless masses with no sliver of self-will or reason. Undertaker has been showing signs of his version of humanity by trying to shatter Mr. McMahon’s brittle self to bits.

But the Chairman of the WWE isn’t going to forget his champion’s audacity, even if he is the Phenom. After the victory is secured, the Mephisophelian McMahon proceeds to beat down the Taker with a concealed weapon or even better, by directing any of the rudderless mid-carders hoping to be thrown a line. 

Glass shatters and the Rattlesnake comes stomping into his backyard. Stunner here, Stunner there, Stunner everywhere and the last one, specially made for Vince, sends the CEO into the Undertaker’s vice grip and a thunderous Chokeslam follows. Not too far fetched to imagine two of Texas’ most famous wrestlers drenched in beer and celebrating in Dallas, is it?

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