
David Beckham – What makes the brand tick?

The number 7, the number 23 and now the number 32; the Beckham brand has moved forward, while the others have either stagnated or faded into oblivion. From first team football in the year 1992, till today, Beckham is a wanted name. But when we use the word ‘wanted’, it doesn’t necessarily refer to his prowess on the field or his ability to lead in times of difficulty. It is certainly much more complicated than that. Here is a look at five things that Brand Beckham feeds on.

1. Popularity

Quite simply, popularity feeds on popularity. Associating yourself with a brand that stands for your vision is a no-brainer, but associating with a brand that will get you unparalleled, undiluted attention packs more value for the buck. Thus, the fuel itself is the fire in this vicious circle, and Beckham understands it. The flash of the camera is a phenomenon he got used to, and marrying Posh didn’t really slow things down. He is at events, launches and charities, just when you thought he was getting too old for it.

2. Perceived Value

Is Beckham really the value he is pegged at? When he moved to Major League Soocer, to don the 23 of Los Angeles Galaxy, his fee was footed by the entire league. Yes, you read that right. All the teams participating in the league went dutch because the move was seen as an investment for the league. So essentially, David Beckham moving to America was seen as a step up for the entire league. Did he add value is a subjective question, but the fact that the question is asked is why the brand prospers. Rumors will have you believe that his move to Real Madrid was to help the Spanish side sell more shirts, which they did. A number of websites pegged the recovery period of his fee from a week to 2 months, which means Madrid were good to go after a maximum of two months. Now that, is value.

3. Unadulterated Public Relations

He is not shy about the fact that he wants to continue playing football at the highest level, even after nearing the 40 year mark. So he keeps moving from Milan to Paris Saint-Germain, to maybe avoid the hole he dug himself into in the MLS. The football isn’t as good as the view in the United States of America, but the money holds him back. Now the gentleman that he is, he will never come out and state that he needs a move away. Instead, he draws the attention to facts that will warm your heart up. Case in point, the latest move to PSG, to the money rich capital of France, is laced with the ambition of playing in the Champions League. But the news was preceded by how Beckham is donating his entire fee to charity. No disrespect to the player or his intentions, but well done David, well done.

4. Trending

Beckham isn’t just trending on Twitter, though he occasionally does manage that too. He is so trendy that magazines want to cover him, channels want to hear the squeaky voice and websites want a vlog. Over 6 books have been written on or by the athlete, including the incredibly slow ‘My Side’. He is a hit with the non-literary types too, with over 20 tattoos adorning his body. I do not mean that literature professors do not get tattoos, but you catch my drift. He is also a film star, having made cameo appearances in ‘Bend it like Beckham’ and the ‘Goal!’ trilogy. Posh Spice is another area where he hit the roof, and the alleged affairs didn’t have much damage too.

5. A Good Boy

Beckham certainly has his faults, but who doesn’t. The Shoegate incident aside, Beckham’s flaws make him human, and endear him to the millions across the globe. His work with UNICEF, Unite for kids, Unite against AIDS and the Elton John AIDS foundation have put him on a pedestal. He seemed to be victimized when reports of his affair broke out, and he pleaded innocent. Even his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to have everything in pairs adds to his charm. Overall, a charmer to begin with, and has enough flaws to make you fall in love with him.

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