
Ten of the most unbreakable records in sports history

They say records are meant to be broken. But then there are some records in sports that, no matter how much you try, cannot be broken. You may think the list would be short, but with the number of sports being played at any given minute around the world, there were quite a few to choose from. Here are 10 of the best:

Fastest knockout in MMA

When you are participating in a sport like MMA, it is assumed that you have enough strength and guts to last at least a decent amount of time. Also, it helps if you can be fast and surprise your opponent. But it seems Takahiro Kuroishi interpreted the lesson of speed in a wildly different way. Not only did he run at speed towards his opponent as soon as the bell rang, he did so with his hands by his side, inviting the punch from his opponent that knocked him out in 2 seconds. You don’t believe us that anybody can be that stupid? We have the evidence!

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