
10 Tennis stars And Their Pets

No matter if you are an ordinary Tom, Dick or Harry or an eminent person, everyone has a weakness for a furry critter.

Even tennis players have succumbed to the charms of these animals and keep them as pets.

A number of well-known tennis players own a pet; the most popular ones are dogs, naturally but there are a few felines and other animals thrown into the mix.  So let’s explore the unique relationship between the players and their pets.

1.Novak Djokovic

Pierre and Tesla with Djokovic and wife Jelena

The “Djoker” as he is so fondly called, is the proud owner of 2 poodles Pierre and Tesla. Pierre even has his own Twitter account and was even featured in the Vogue magazine. 7 year old Pierre is described as a calm and distant dog, 2 and ½ year old Tesla is more playful and loves to cuddle.

Bonus Fact: Pierre is gluten free like his owner. He even has his own passport with the necessary documents.

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