
Novak Djokovic displays true sportsmanship during win over Radek Stepanek

Wimbledon is all about upholding the grace of the fantastic game that is tennis, apart from the fierce contests on the court. Sports teaches us the art of being competitive and striving to win and yet respecting the opponent and being fair and disciplined at the same time. 

Novak Djokovic, the Serbian legend showcased the perfect example of real sportsman spirit and fair play in his second round match at Wimbledon against Radek Stepanek of Czech Republic when he turned down the replay of a point and allowed the point to be rewarded to his opponent.

It was Djokovic who was serving and after a short rally, the linesman called a backhand from the Czech out with Djokovic playing the ball back into the net. After the challange from Stepanek, replays revealed that the ball was in, which usually calls for a replay of the point. But Djokovic instead awarded the point to Stepanek stating that he watched the ball in and hit the ball knowing the fact that it was in, but ended up hitting the net. Basically he wanted to imply that the wrong call had no impact on the shot that he played and thus the point should be given to the man from Czech Republic.

This display of sportsmanship was applauded by the audience whole-heartedly.

Here have a look at what happened.

The victory over the veteran would have pleased the ‘Djoker’ and now he would be eagerly awaiting his opponent in the next round. Earlier this month there was also news about him getting married to his fiancee shortly.

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