
Family celebrations & marking important dates in our lives are more important than any sporting achievement: Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic
Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic recently talked about how he always looks forward to going back home to Belgrade, as it provides him the encouragement and motivation to continue travelling on the professional circuit and win more titles. The Serb also believes that spending time with family and sharing in celebrations at home are far more important than his on-court accomplishments.

After his recent French Open campaign where he lost to Rafael Nadal in the final, Novak Djokovic went back home and spent time with his family. The 33-year-old's visit included his son's birthday as well as a visit to the Bosnian Pyramids in Visoko.

Novak Djokovic is back on the road this week as he attempts to win the ATP Erste Bank Open in Vienna, Austria. He is through to the quarterfinals there, and is almost sure of ending the season as World No. 1 for the sixth time.

But for the Serb, celebrations on familial landmarks are higher up the priority list than those on achieving on-court records.

"There is always a reason to celebrate," Djokovic said at a press conference in Vienna on Wednesday. "You don't have to wait for a tournament, just as you don't have to wait for a child's birthday or any other festive occasion, privately or professionally. There is always a reason. However, definitely family celebrations and marking some important dates in our lives are far more important to me than any sporting achievement."

I always long for Belgrade and Serbia and I am looking forward to coming here: Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic has decided to skip the Paris Masters next week, but will play in the season-ending Nitto ATP Finals in London. Djokovic also plans to compete in the Australian Open in January 2021.

But the Serb's heart always yearns to go back home, where his loved ones reside.

"I always long for Belgrade and Serbia and I am looking forward to coming here," Djokovic said. "My stay in my hometown is always short, but filled with numerous private and professional obligations. It gives me great pleasure to be here, surrounded by my people, people who speak the same language as me, to be able to go back to my roots."
"It fills me with energy all this, though probably to the same extent that it exhausts me at the same time. However, it gives me that additional encouragement and motivation that I need, inspires me to continue travelling the world and write some new pages in the history of tennis," he added.

Novak Djokovic had put up a post on social media during his recent visit back home, celebrating the sixth birthday of his son Stefan.

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