
Nick Kyrgios attacks Novak Djokovic's Adria Tour again, calls Borna Coric 'peanut brain' & 'boring'

Nick Kyrgios's war of words with Borna Coric over Novak Djokovic's Adria Tour continues
Nick Kyrgios's war of words with Borna Coric over Novak Djokovic's Adria Tour continues

Nick Kyrgios has been relentlessly criticizing his colleagues - especially Novak Djokovic, Dominic Thiem and Alexander Zverev - over the past one month. Their role in the disastrous Adria Tour, where several players and staff were infected with coronavirus, has earned repeated jibes from the Aussie as it put the health of thousands of fans at risk.

Kyrgios has also not been mincing any words in telling off those who come to the defense of Novak Djokovic and the other players from the Adria Tour - as previously seen in his was of words with Dominic Thiem.

The sequence of events repeated itself when Borna Coric, one of the infected players at the event, justified the idea behind the exhibition. The Croat also lashed out at Kyrgios, saying the Aussie just wants to pick battles and is looking for drama.

Borna Coric had said he doesn't care about what Nick Kyrgios says
Borna Coric had said he doesn't care about what Nick Kyrgios says

Nick Kyrgios responded in his usual outspoken style, slamming Borna Coric for not understanding the gravity of the situation. And now that Coric has come up with another veiled attack at Kyrgios, the Aussie has continued adding fuel to the war of words.

Kyrgios calls out Novak Djokovic's Adria Tour players for joking about the pandemic

Until now, most stakeholders of Novak Djokovic's Adria Tour had steered clear of a direct debate with Kyrgios on social media. Thiem had spoken about Kyrgios' comments in an interview, and did not bother to reply when Kyrgios called him out on Twitter.

But Borna Coric is keen on being a bit more direct in his approach. The Croat is evidently not one to back down from an online fist-fight. 

Borna Coric and Nick Kyrgios exchange words over Novak Djokovic's Adria Tour
Borna Coric and Nick Kyrgios exchange words over Novak Djokovic's Adria Tour

Coric took to Twitter - Kyrgios' favorite playground - to remind the Aussie of his past behavior. He even told Kyrgios that he is not in a position to act sanctimonious when his own record doesn't exactly represent a clean sheet.

Kyrgios on his part had spent much of the past month responding to critics pointing out his past record, explaining that his personal behavior had never put human lives at risk unlike that of Novak Djokovic and the Adria Tour players.

Borna Coric tried beating the same drum, and insinuated that Kyrgios was either bored or drunk to be 'preaching about behavior'. But the mercurial Aussie didn't take well to that, and let Coric know in no uncertain terms what he thought about his 'joke'.

The Aussie also likened Coric's brain to the size of a peanut, which is something similar to what he had said about Dominic Thiem.

'Your game is too boring' - Nick Kyrgios to Borna Coric

Nick Kyrgios didn't stop there. Responding to Coric's question on whether he was looking for drama out of boredom, the Aussie said it was the Croat's tennis that was 'boring'.

Nick Kyrgios has a knack of calling players with a counterpunching game - not unlike Novak Djokovic's - boring and unwatchable. The Aussie had previously said the same thing about Norwegian tennis player Casper Ruud.

Nick Kyrgios said he finds Borna Coric's tennis boring
Nick Kyrgios said he finds Borna Coric's tennis boring

That said, Coric has beaten Kyrgios twice with his 'boring' style, which is why many believe the Aussie went over the line with his response.

While Novak Djokovic doesn't seem to paying any heed to Kyrgios' provocative comments, the endless drama between the Aussie and the players of the Adria Tour seems likely to continue in the near future.

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