
Serbian doctor gives Novak Djokovic a strict warning after COVID-19 recovery

Novak Djokovic
Novak Djokovic

Famous Serbian doctor Darija Kisic Tepavcevic has revealed what World No. 1 Novak Djokovic went through after he tested positive for COVID-19. The doctor said that he never showed symptoms of the virus, but she warned him to wear a mask and follow social distancing to protect himself and his family.

In an interview with 'Blic,' Dr. Tepavcevic spoke about Novak Djokovic's health and recovery in detail. She particularly stressed on the fact that most COVID-19 cases in Serbia were asymptomatic, and that the 2020 Australian Open winner belonged to the same category.

Novak Djokovic must respect the prescribed rules: Dr. Tepavcevic

Novak Djokovic did not follow the social distancing rules during the Adria Tour
Novak Djokovic did not follow the social distancing rules during the Adria Tour

Novak Djokovic had conducted the now infamous Adria Tour over two weekends in the Balkans. The organizers achieved much success in Belgrade as the top European tennis stars like Dominic Thiem, Alexander Zverev, Filip Krajinovic and others entertained Serbia's tennis fans to the fullest.

They even partied at a local night club to their success - but that was what sowed the seeds of disaster.

The players headed to Zadar next week, where they learned that Grigor Dimitrov had tested positive for COVID-19. Subsequently, some officials and other players also tested positive.

Novak Djokovic and Jelena have recovered now
Novak Djokovic and Jelena have recovered now

Novak Djokovic returned home to Belgrade the next day and got himself tested. Unfortunately, he learned that both he and his wife Jelena had contracted the deadly virus.

The couple have now recovered though, as they recently tested negative. Dr. Darija Kisic Tepavcevic shared the details of the situation surrounding Novak Djokovic and said:

"He was tested upon his return to Croatia, although he had no symptoms, and the test was positive. During the isolation he was in, Djokovic showed no symptoms, he felt well all the time."
"After that period of seven to ten days from the moment the test showed that he was positive, he was tested again. That second test showed that Novak was negative and that the COVID-19 virus was no longer present in his body," she continued.

The doctor then subtly warned Novak Djokovic to follow all the prescribed rules in order to ensure that he doesn't put his life in any further danger. She stressed on the significance of wearing a mask and following social distancing, signing off with a cautionary statement.

"He must continue to wear a mask, he must adhere to social distances and must respect the prescribed rules. He thus sets an example for others. So, wearing masks and physical distance are two basic things that we must adhere to at this moment in order to get out of the epidemic."

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