
"So what is the problem?" - Rod Laver urges Novak Djokovic to explain his Australian Open vaccine exemption

Novak Djokovic during the Davis Cup Finals 2021
Novak Djokovic during the Davis Cup Finals 2021

Tennis legend Rod Laver recently gave his thoughts on the controversy surrounding Novak Djokovic's 2022 Australian Open participation. Laver believes that even though the Serb might have valid grounds for his medical exemption, he owes the Australian fans an explanation.

Novak Djokovic, a nine-time champion in Melbourne, confirmed on Tuesday that he has been granted a medical exemption by the Victorian government to play the Australian Open. Djokovic's revelation (via social media) was followed by a statement from Tennis Australia, where they explained the process behind the World No. 1's exemption.

But several fans - especially those from Australia - have lashed out at both Djokovic and the Victoria government since then. Australians have been under severe restrictions ever since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the decision to allow a supposedly unvaccinated individual into the country hasn't gone down well with them.

In that context, Rod Laver opined on Wednesday that the Australian public would likely give Novak Djokovic a frosty reception once he begins his title defense in Melbourne.

"I think it might get ugly," Laver told the Herald Sun. "I would think the Victorian people would be thinking, 'Yes I would love to see him play and compete but at the same time, there's a right way and a wrong way'."

Rod Laver also insisted that if Novak Djokovic has genuine medical grounds for an exemption, then he must reveal them. The Aussie pointed out that Djokovic has been playing - and winning - a lot in recent times, which suggests he is fully fit and healthy.

"If he’s got a reason then... We should know it," Laver said. "Yes, you’re a great player and you’ve performed and won so many tournaments, so it can’t be physical. So what is the problem?"
“If he’s got a reason for (the exemption) then ... we should know it. Yes, you’re a great player and you’ve performed and won so many tournaments, so, it can’t be physical. So what is the problem?”

Tennis great Rod Laver on Djokovic

Novak Djokovic is currently stranded at Melbourne airport, according to reports

A fan waits to greet Novak Djokovic on his arrival in Melbourne ahead of the Australian Open
A fan waits to greet Novak Djokovic on his arrival in Melbourne ahead of the Australian Open

It is pertinent to note that many fans have also accused Tennis Australia and the Victorian government of giving special treatment to Novak Djokovic.

The Victorian government initially made it compulsory for all athletes to be fully vaccinated if they wanted entry into Melbourne. However, they later confirmed that players with legitimate medical grounds could be exempted from the mandatory vaccination policy and allowed to compete at the 2022 Australian Open.

Djokovic was eventually granted a medical exemption, as he revealed on Tuesday, but the story seems far from over.

A Serbian publication revealed earlier on Wednesday that Novak Djokovic isn't being allowed to leave the Melbourne airport as the federal government believes he has the "wrong type of visa". Srdjan Djokovic later claimed that the 20-time Major winner was being held in a room with two police personnel on guard.

“Novak is currently in a room which no one can enter. In front of the room are two policemen.” - Srdjan Djokovic to B92 roughly three hours ago

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