
'You shouldn't be dancing all over each other' - Evans slams Novak Djokovic for Adria Tour disaster

Novak Djokovic
Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic's ambitious Adria Tour exhibition had to be cut short in Zadar after an unwelcome virus paid a visit, causing all hell to break loose. With the news of Grigor Dimitrov testing positive for COVID-19, followed by Borna Coric also being infected by the deadly virus, Novak Djokovic is being heavily criticized for the callous way his event was organized.

British No. 1 Dan Evans has also vehemently put forward his views now, and called out World No. 1 Novak Djokovic for setting a "poor example" with this tournament.

Dan Evans openly criticized Novak Djokovic's Adria Tour
Dan Evans openly criticized Novak Djokovic's Adria Tour

In a press conference ahead of the Battle of the Brits, Dan Evans did not mince his words. He openly slammed Novak Djokovic for carrying out a tournament with 'total disregard' for social distancing protocols and other safety measures.

Evans also urged Novak Djokovic to take ' some responsibility for his event'. The Brit believes that as the World No. 1 and the President of the ATP Players Council, it is the Serb's foremost duty to keep the safety of the participating players – especially with top names like Grigor Dimitrov, Dominic Thiem and Alexander Zverev involved – in mind.

“I just think it is a poor example to set,” Dan Evans said. “[Covid-19] is not a joke, is it? Even if the guidelines were taken away in this country to normal I would still be trying to keep myself out of the way as much as I could from other people. And I just think there has been a total disregard for that."
Novak Djokovic with his Adria Tour teammates
Novak Djokovic with his Adria Tour teammates

Instead of sticking to social distancing guidelines, the Adria Tour's Belgrade edition was littered with images and videos of players freely exchanging hugs and handshakes. They even played football and basketball, practiced before packed stands, and worst of all, went on a wild shirtless-dancing spree in a crowded pub.

While the rest of the world looked on incredulously at the players having a gala time, Novak Djokovic defended the Adria Tour by saying they were sticking to the safety protocols laid down by the Serbian government. But Dan Evans was having none of it.

“Put it this way, I don't think you should be having a players’ party and dancing all over each other," Dan Evans said. "When two very good tennis players have tested positive, you should feel some responsibility in his event and how it has transpired."

Novak Djokovic's poorly planned tournament could cost players the US Open

Novak Djokovic
Novak Djokovic

Aside from Grigor Dimitrov and Borna Coric testing positive for the virus, news has come in that Novak Djokovic’s fitness trainer Marco Panichi and Grigor Dimitrov’s coach Kristijan Groh have also contracted COVID-19. This cannot mean well for the tennis community, especially with the ATP Tour hoping to resume from 14 August.

“It is very unfortunate that Grigor has it, Coric has it...but if you strip it back, is it a surprise? I think that is the question we should all ask," Dan Evans said.

The 30-year-old also expressed concern that Djokovic's ill-conceived and ill-timed tournament might play a bigger spoilsport and lead to the cancellation of the US Open. Dan Evans, along with several other players, have been looking forward to the restarting of the tennis season given that their only source of income has been put on hold due to the pandemic.

“I think we could definitely learn from that. And hopefully that event doesn't take away from the US Open, I hope there is no second-guessing now on the US Open because of unfortunate events," Dan Evans added.

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