
Top 5 ace servers on the ATP tour this year

An ace down the middle or out wide always draws the breath of everyone assembled and sends down a stern message to the opponent on the other side of the net. It gets the player quick points and helps to close out games without getting into too much of a rally.

For the 2013 season so far, here are the top ace servers on the ATP tour:

5. Sam Querrey (576 aces in 45 matches)

The 6’6” American Sam Querrey is currently ranked 34th in the world, but is at number 5 when it comes to aces served for the season. A Los Angeles Lakers fan, Querrey considers his serve and forehand to be his strengths. And he packs quite a punch with his serves as evidenced by his record of 12.8 aces per game.

Querrey also once hit two home runs in batting practice back in 2008 at Dolphins Stadium in Miami.

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