
Video: Djokovic reveals 'sunbathing and fishing' relaxation methods

World number one Novak Djokovic says the biggest mind games on court are with himself at a shop event in London, England, on Tuesday (June 18th).

Novak Djokovic, World Number One:
“There was no preparation at all (in Corsica on holiday). Just getting suntanned and doing a little fishing. It is a beautiful place so I had to get some rest. We don’t play all the time. We got to have a little holiday as well after Paris (at the French Open). Once I came here a few days ago I started already practicing on grass.”

“You are kidding me? That (strawberries and cream) was the first thing I tried. When I came here seven years ago, seven or eight years ago, the first time I came to Wimbledon it was the first thing I tried – strawberries and cream. That is the most famous thing about Wimbledon right? So I had to try it. As the years were passing by I was maturing, I was learning more things about myself about my general well being so I have a specific diet that I am respecting – expecially before the tournament and during the tournament. It helps me to perform better.”

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