
Video: Roger Federer fulfills a cancer survivor's lifelong dream to meet him

Roger Federer, tennis legend, 17-time Grand Slam winner, who has won the prestigious Wimbledon astonishing seven times, made a fan’s wishes true when he invited cancer sufferer Beatriz Tinoco of Brazil to the All-England tennis club last year, during her difficult battle with the disease.

ESPN Sportscenter partnered with the Make-a-Wish foundation to help the medically challenged fans realise their dreams of meeting their favorite athletes in person, and Tinoco is one such fan.

She was presented a chance by the organisation to meet Roger Federer, her favourite tennis player.

Beatriz has been following Federer since she was eight-years-old. The Brazilian youngster was an active sportswoman herself, and played competitive tennis as well.

However, her life took a sharp turn when she was diagnosed with a tumour in her neck. After the tumour was removed, doctors discovered that the 18-year old was suffering from cancer that had spread through her system.

In 2011, when she moved to the United States with her family, Tinoco developed a lung infection. She had some respite, though – with constant medical attention, by the end of the year, her infection was cured – following which she went straight back to the court to do what she loved most, playing tennis.

The Federer superfan got the surprise of her life when her high-school team coach showed her a video in which she received an invitation to go to the Wimbledon along with her family by Federer himself.

Flown down to London ,she watched Federer playing on the legendary centre court of the All-England tennis club. Later that day, the Swiss himself went to meet her in the practice court club house where he spoke to her one on one, no doubt making her day.

The World number three then invited her to the practice courts and spent quite some time playing tennis with her. She was joined by Federer’s coach Paul Annacone as well, with both giving her tips on her game; she was even given the chance to handle the famous Federer serves, which she did reasonably well.

The Swiss met her again the next day – her birthday and signed a note for her as well, making the day extra special.

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