Best Viper Walls on all Valorant mapsĀ
Viper is one of the unique Controller Agents in Valorant. Her utility kit is such that one can never count her out during a round. However, she is also one of the trickiest Agents to master compared to other Controllers.
Viper doesn't have traditional smoke the way other Agents do. Instead, she has the Toxic Screen that allows her to cut a part of the map for safe entry into a site or to cut off vision depending on whether the player is attacking or defending. She's also one of the most crucial Valorant Agents during post-plant scenarios.
To make a high impact with Viper, one must know how to use her Toxic Screen effectively. This article will list down certain Viper walls useful for Valorant maps. Remember that the list will not contain Bind and Breeze, as they're currently unavailable in the competitive queue.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
The most efficient Viper walls in Valorant
1) Lotus
Lotus is the latest map in Valorant. It is also considered to be heavily attack-sided and has three sites, namely A, B, and C.
Perhaps the trickiest site to enter in Valorant's Lotus is A. For safe entry into A, go to A Root. Look at the pink flower above and aim it in the middle. Then shoot the Toxic Screen.

You will see the wall blocks off Link, Stairs, and even Top, making it that much easier to enter the A site. However, players will have to make sure to clear Tree and Drop before planting the spike.

2) Pearl
Pearl is a very traditional map in the sense that it has two sites. It is considered to be a defensively-sided map.
Defending the A site is a lot harder on Pearl as there are multiple places the enemy can enter from. There is one Viper wall that can help with this. To do this, go and get in the corner near A Main. Then look at the map and shoot the wall towards Mid Doors.

This wall will help block enemies in A main and the middle section, making it very difficult for them to enter the site.

3) Fracture
Fracture is one of the unique maps in Valorant, providing the attackers with two different sides to execute their attack. It is considered to be an excellent attack-sided map.
On Fracture, B is a rather tricky site to enter as players have to fight an uphill battle. To help with this, go to the B tree and aim the wall at a spot in the B tower and then shoot the wall.

The Toxic Screen will block the vision of enemies near the B generator as the enemies in the B tower. This helps your team attack from both Main and Arcade.

4) Icebox
Icebox as a map has seen multiple changes in Valorant. The map deems Viper to be one of the most crucial Agents. Icebox is considered to be an attack-sided map due to its structure.
On Icebox, B is the most difficult site to enter and almost always requires Sage and Viper walls to work together. To help enter the B site, players can hug the wall next to Attacker Side Spawn and shoot the wall on B Snowman.

This wall will help cut the B site in half and block vision from the Snowman, allowing for an easy plant. However, players will have to make sure to clear the Yellow thoroughly before planting the spike.

5) Haven
Haven is one of the other three sited maps in Valorant besides Lotus. Viper is usually never picked in Haven. It is considered to be an attack-sided map.
In Haven, C is one of the more difficult sites to enter as it forces attackers into a funnel on C Long. Players can make a simple wall from C Lobby to the C site to be effective with Viper on C.

This wall helps block off vision from the Garage and enemies that may be rotating from the B site.

6) Ascent
Ascent was the first map to be released in Valorant with its full launch. The map is considered a favorite amongst many and has two sites with doors that can be opened/closed. It is known to be a defender-sided map.
On Ascent, Viper has one of the most efficient walls on the A site. Players should go to Tree and stand next to the pot to do this. Then they can aim the wall at A Main, as shown above, and shoot the wall.

The Toxic Screen will cover both Mid Cubby and A Main, making it very difficult for enemies to enter into A site, forcing them to rotate to either mid or B site.

7) Split
Split has existed in the Valorant ever since the beta. The map has seen multiple changes. It is considered a heavily defender-sided map despite attempts from developers to balance it.
In Split, Viper has a simple but efficient wall on A site. Players can go to Screens and shoot their wall straight toward A Main to achieve this.

This wall will help slow down the crossing of enemies from A Main to Ramps, making it difficult for them to enter and plant the spike. This will also give a small pocket for teammates hiding in the A site to play around more.

Viper is one of the Agents that requires a lot of micromanagement. She is easily one of the trickiest Agents to learn in the game. However, players can generate high impact once they master her utility on all maps.