
Possible opponents for CM Punk in the near future

CM Punk will make his much expected comeback on WWE PPV Payback and face off against Chris Jericho. This match looks like a passing feud of sorts as WWE aren’t sure of who they should pitch CM Punk against as of now. But once he is done with Jericho which is once Jericho puts him over, Punk will need to move onto newer feuds and here are a few possible feuds that CM Punk can likely get into.

1. Brock Lesnar

Both Punk and Lesnar have been Paul Heyman guys for quite sometime now and with Curt Axel a new member, it seems as though Punk will do Heyman the favor of going against him. Heyman’s got a lot of workload of late and it is time Punk stepped down as his client. I feel his match against Jericho will be the perfect moment for Punk to go against Heyman. Punk can question Heyman’s choice of accepting the match against Jericho generating a crack in their relationship. Heyman can then use this heat to pitch Lesnar against Punk starting a feud between the two. Though the only problem with this feud is Lesnar’s size. Punk is too small compared to Lesnar and he doesn’t have the physique that is required to challenge the likes of Lesnar.

2. Sheamus

A feud no one has seen yet. For long WWE has been trying to establish Sheamus as a top star in the company and to be frank it hasn’t worked out quite as well as WWE would have liked. Sheamus though is somewhat over with the crowd and needs a good feud to give him some momentum for this year. His feud with Mark Henry was stale and lacked pace. But with a opponent like Punk, you can expect that void to get filled. Punk will surely outclass Sheamus when it comes to the mic but still Sheamus is known for humour of his own style which he tends to deliver along with the Brogue Kick. One feud that I would surely like to witness.

3. Randy Orton

Orton’s punt kick is back, this has surely increased hopes of an Orton heel turn. This could turn out to be one of the feuds of the year and can easily help WWE turn Orton heel. A babyface Punk and a heel Orton can easily create a feud worth watching, even the matches can be of great value given the ability of both these wrestlers.

4. Daniel Bryan

Frankly, one cannot ask for a better combination. With two wrestlers who can give us golden moments inside the ring, this feud can surely be one that we will remember for quite a while. Daniel Bryan of late has shown us that he is the best and his match this week on RAW against the Shield nailed the fact that Bryan should be given a push now as a singles star. Punk is without doubt the best way for Bryan to start his singles career now. Bryan can maintain his status as a face as he is so over with the crowd at the moment and Punk can remain a heel. Irrespective of how the feud goes, one thing is certain these two can give us matches worth remembering.

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