
Best and Worst of Money in the Bank 2018

Money in the Bank had both its ups and downs!
Money in the Bank had both its ups and downs!

Money in The Bank got off to a great start with TakeOver last night. The action was intense and set the stage for the pay-per-view to follow. I must admit that whether or not the decisions were justified, I was entertained by Money in the Bank. As long as the show was, there was enough to keep me entertained across the entire duration.

In this article, I will present my best and worst. Bear in mind that this is my personal opinion and yours can differ from mine. I invite you to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts about the show you just witnessed right now.

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After the slump that followed the Greatest Royal Rumble, things really seem to be picking up with Money in the Bank.

In any case, this is what I thought of the show.

#1 Best: A slow and steady slugfest

If you had the patience, this match told a really good story
If you had the patience, this match told a really good story

Styles vs. Nakamura was not an all guns blazing contest like Ciampa vs. Gargano was at TakeOver. It was a slow and methodical match that told an incredible story of two men that dislike one another. It was a battle of the minds as much as it was a truly physical contest.

Ultimately, in my opinion, AJ Styles channelled months of frustration into the low blow that eventually led to his win. Also, the Styles Clash to the floor was a sight to behold and cherish. I thought that this was the best match that the two men have had thus far.

While AJ Styles will move on to his next challenger, I wonder where Shinsuke Nakamura goes from here. I do hope he's kept in the mix because his heel character is rather interesting.

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