
Best and Worst of RAW- 22nd October, 2018

The last time we ever see The Shield together?
The last time we ever see The Shield together?

Where do I even begin with this episode? It began on a sour note, went on to some great moments and concluded with the most shocking heel turn in recent WWE memory. So much happened on this episode, that it's difficult to call it anything but a good show, when all is said and done. However, I shall attempt to gather my thoughts and share my views about RAW this week.

RAW began with a very real moment. All of us must have had a little chuckle at Roman Reigns' expense and I'm certain that it came back to bite many of us after the events that transpired this week. Beyond the script and the storylines, I wish Roman Reigns a very speedy recovery.

As always, I present my 'Best and Worst' analysis from this week's episode. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

I can't wait to find out who the next Universal Champion is.

#1 Worst: Reigns relinquishes the Universal Championship

Now, this was truly heartbreaking to see
Now, this was truly heartbreaking to see

Anyone that's read any of my columns knows that I always begin with a 'best', before I move on to a 'worst'. In honour of Roman Reigns and the battle he's currently waging, I will attempt to begin with a worst, this week. Reigns broke character at the top of the show and announced how he was battling leukaemia to the WWE Universe. It was heartbreaking to see the audience reaction, as a gasp went through the audience.

Reigns relinquished his Championship in the middle of the ring. The most real moment of the whole segment could have been The Shield reunion, perhaps for the very last time. Seth Rollins was battling tears and it was indeed a very heartbreaking moment.

I hope that Reigns makes a full recovery and return to do what he does best. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones right now.

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