
Best and worst of RAW- 23rd April, 2018

There were hits and misses throughout the show
There were hits and misses throughout the show

RAW came to us from St. Louis, MO, this week in what was the go-home show for the Greatest Royal Rumble. There were some hits and there were some misses. As always, we will chronicle our feelings in this article. Our favourite segments shall be dubbed 'Best' and the segments we did not like- 'Worst'.

As always, we invite you to share your thoughts about the show. Did you think it was a worthy show for the Greatest Royal Rumble? How excited are you for the second grand pay-per-view this month after WrestleMania?

Moreover, we would like to congratulate RAW for staying on air for 1300 successful episodes. Few others have managed a feat this grand.

Now that we've said all we needed to, let's find out if WWE delivered or not, this week!

#1 Best: A ruthless duo

Ziggler and McIntyre seem like a formidable alliance
Ziggler and McIntyre seem like a formidable alliance

There was a lot of humour on this week's show. Some of it was actually quite good. We are glad to report that Ziggler and McIntyre mean business. They do not fall into the cheesy humour camp and that's quite heartening.

Ziggler and McIntyre have been dubbed by some as the new Shawn Michaels and Diesel. We guess it may be too soon to put the duo in that bracket, but the fact remains that they are both incredible athletes and they're great on the microphone too. We especially loved the promos they cut after their match with Titus Worldwide.

We wonder if they will challenge for the RAW Tag Team Championships down the line after a champion is crowned at the Greatest Royal Rumble this Friday. They are nothing like any other team on the roster and much like Samoa Joe have a 'seriousness' about them that is heartening to see.

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