
Best and worst of RAW before WWE Elimination Chamber 2019

RAW did not really get me kicked about Elimination Chamber
RAW did not really get me kicked about Elimination Chamber

Halfway into the show, I was afraid that I'd not have even one 'best' for this post-show recap article. Yes, this week's episode of RAW had one of the most unbearable first halves that I can remember. To be honest, even the second half wasn't extraordinary. But yes, the action did pick up as compared to the dreadful beginning.

They say that you save the best for last. And that really seemed to be the case for WWE this week, because this was a bottom heavy show. Except for the three points that I've outlined here, I don't think there was anything to like about the three hours of action we witnessed.

This was certainly the Becky Lynch show because her thread ran through the duration of the entire program. Three hours built around an apology does not really make for compelling television, I think.

Here's what I liked and disliked from this week's episode.

#1 Best: Say yeah!

This was a long time coming for these two highly talented individuals. The Revival made NXT their home when the put on extraordinary matches at every single TakeOver event that they were part of. And then they arrived in the main roster and their momentum just seemed to fizzle out. They would be sidelined for weeks on end, hardly getting TV time at all.

This week, they put on the match of the night against Roode and Gable at the tail end of the show. The crowd grew hoarse as they screamed 'this is awesome'. And most certainly, the match was quite awesome.

I wonder what happens to Bobby Roode and Chad Gable now that they've lost the titles. Do they go to the back of the line once again?

Will Bobby Roode finally turn heel?

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