
Best and worst of WWE RAW- 4th Feb 2019

This was an episode of RAW with both good and bad!
This was an episode of RAW with both good and bad!

The Royal Rumble is in the past and we're heading full throttle towards WrestleMania 35 and beyond. This week's episode of RAW came to us from Portland in Oregon. It was a show that had its moments but also had some major issues. Presenting the 'Best and Worst' from RAW this week.

I daresay that the good and the bad evened itself out overall. I'm still not really excited about the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view per se, but I guess as more matches are made, I will be. RAW definitely fell short in that particular department.

But then again, there were some brilliant bits during this episode too. I liked quite a few seeds that were sown during the show, to be honest.

So, here is an overview of the good and the bad from the episode.

#1 Best: Becky's Stone Cold Steve Austin storyline begins

Yes, I know that we're all sick of an Authority storyline. But the fact of the matter is that a feud with Stephanie McMahon will only be beneficial to Becky Lynch over time. After her feud with Ronda Rousey is done, she lacks a credible opponent except for Charlotte Flair. By sparking off a feud with Stephanie McMahon, Becky Lynch could potentially face her minions after WrestleMania.

Also, for Stephanie McMahon to take a personal interest in a Superstar means that she is going to push her to be the 'man', in a very literal term. We could even see a match between the two women somewhere down the line. And this allows for Charlotte Flair to enter the match quite seamlessly indeed.

Becky Lynch will be a red hot commodity once she returns from suspension. Things are bound to pick up big time then!

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