
10 Best WWE Entrance Themes

Bobby Roode's theme song helped get him over in a big way

A wrestler's entrance music is one of the most important things in sports entertainment. It not only announces the arrival of a particularly beloved face or loathed heel, it also can inform a crowd just exactly what kind of person is about to come down the ramp.

Some themes become so intrinsically linked with their characters that they are almost unthinkable without their music: Imagine Hulk Hogan in the 80s without Real American or Triple H without Motorhead's The Game.

There is a lot of good music in the WWE today and the creators CFO$ have managed to embrace a variety of different styles, focusing on emphasizing particular characteristics of a superstar without reducing the performer to just his or her music.

With that in mind, let's take a look at what we think are the 10 best entrance themes in the WWE today. We're not just judging the quality of the music itself, but also in the effectiveness it has on both a crowd and its ability to convey the various aspects of the wrestler it accompanies.

#10 Sami Zayn

Before his heel turn and rejuvenation under the "friendship" of Kevin Owens, Sami's theme was pure babyface joy. Entire crowds have sung along to it and it served his upbeat, never-say-die attitude perfectly. Now, as a heel, the song serves an effective counterpoint to his persona, turning what was lively and upbeat into something annoying, even abrasive and irritating. Something that Zayn is surprisingly good at conveying.

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