
10 big things Asuka has accomplished in WWE

Asuka has racked up an impressive list of feats, sometimes under the radar.
Asuka has racked up an impressive list of feats, sometimes under the radar.

What a strange year Asuka has had. Starting off on a torrid pace, she quickly fell into an abyss it appeared she would never get out of. Then, suddenly, her star was born again at the end the year, almost from its own ashes.

It was good that she was reborn. Asuka is a world class talent that was criminally misused despite showing a lot of promise at the start of the year. Thankfully, it appears Vince McMahon has finally realized just that.

In an interview with Tokyo Sports, aside from revealing McMahon's reaction backstage after her TLC match (which I have as the sixth best of the year), Asuka said that she came to WWE for one reason - to raise the bar of women's wrestling.

Since arriving in WWE at the seminal first NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn event, it's hard to argue that she hasn't done just that. More importantly, her long list of accomplishments opened the door for other international talent, showing them that they could make it in the world of the McMahons, under the brightest lights in the industry.

Here are some of the milestones in Asuka's career, some of which are records that won't be broken.

#1 Longest undefeated streak in WWE history

Asuka broke a legendary record
Asuka broke a legendary record

Goldberg racked up an impressive, if ultimately, inflated streak of 173-0 during the height of professional wrestling's popularity in the 1990s, right in the middle of the Monday Night Wars. In the spring of 2017, Asuka surpassed that record, ending it with approximately 250 straight wins over 914 days where she was never pinned or submitted.

Ronda Rousey may be undefeated for now, but she would need to remain so until October of 2020, and at a similar number of matches, to surpass Asuka's record.

Even with someone like Rousey, this is very unlikely to happen, nor is it likely to happen again.

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