10 most shocking WrestleMania main eventers
Being able to say that you've main evented WrestleMania is one of the highest possible honours for a professional wrestler. Not only does it validate years of hard work, but it also proves that you're one of the best that the industry has to offer. Well, that's usually the case, but sometimes there's an odd selection that creates a bit of controversy among fans.
Whether it's because they weren't ready for the spot or members of the WWE Universe just never thought they'd get there, these guys surprised a lot of people when they had their WrestleMania moment.
Many of them have had phenomenal careers that included blockbuster matches, but on that one night, in particular, many people were left saying to themselves, "him? really?"
Which isn't necessarily an insult. The divide on this list is extremely noticeable and you'll find that the reasons behind their inclusion differ greatly from one another. With that being said, all of them do represent the level of uncertainty that is created in the build up to WrestleMania with Vince always looking to keep his loyal fan base on their toes.
So with that being said, let's take a closer look at the ten most shocking WrestleMania main eventers.
#10 Mr. T
Now look, we all know that Mr T was an integral part of making the first WrestleMania feel special. It was probably the biggest celebrity appearance in the history of the event, but that doesn't mean it's not a bit odd. After all, a non-wrestler getting a spot in the arguably the most important match of the year doesn't bode well for the other Superstars on the card.
Obviously, the event wasn't as big back in the mid-80s, but it's still a bit shocking looking back. The tag team bout was nothing to write home about but was entertaining enough to make things feel slightly more important. Oh, and twelve months later Mr T had another WrestleMania match against Roddy Piper. What is this unusual world we live in?
We fast forward a few decades now to WrestleMania 27.