
10 observations from attending WaleMania III

WaleMania lived up to the hype

Hello one and all and welcome to the latest in a series of pieces regarding WrestleMania weekend. Back in late March/early April, we here at Sportskeeda were fortunate enough to experience the week-long festivities live in Orlando, Florida which included a whole host of events - including a few that weren't necessarily based on the in-ring wrestling product.

Of course, we are indeed referring to WaleMania which emanated from the Tier Nightclub in Downtown Orlando on the Thursday night of Mania week. It was the third edition of the event which also took place in San Jose and Dallas during the previous two Mania weekends, with the rapper Wale succeeding in combining two of his favourite things - music and professional wrestling.

It was an interesting night this time round with a number of headline-making moments that are sure to draw people back to the event when it rolls around next year in New Orleans. There were tears, there was laughter, and there was a whole lot of excitement in the air as Wale and company blew the roof off of Orlando for one night only.

With all that being said, here are 10 observations from attending WaleMania III.

#1 Tony Nese is great

What a guy

We'd been told before going to WaleMania that we would more than likely run into a couple of wrestlers here and there after the Q&A section had concluded. Naturally, we played down the chances of this happening, meaning that any and all superstars that we'd run into would provide us with a welcome surprise.

As such, the arrival of Tony Nese into our conversation was great. The Cruiserweight star had a quick five minute chat with us about all things WWE, and he comes across as one of the most down to earth wrestlers you could ever meet. He seemed to be there of his own accord, and by the looks of things, he was having a great time talking to fans.

Holy.. Foley?

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