
Ranking The Undertaker’s 10 greatest WrestleMania matches

Dead man walking
Dead man walking

We’ve had a look through the greatest WWE WrestleMania bouts of Randy Orton and John Cena so far in this series, but we all knew that it wasn’t going to be long until we stumbled upon the work of The Deadman. After all, you could argue that without The Undertaker, WrestleMania wouldn’t be quite as successful.

The Phenom has been putting on classic after classic for over 25 years now, and in that time many of those matches have taken place on the grandest stage of them all. Unfortunately for fans of his recent work none of these entries came after the streak was broken, but to be honest, most fans would’ve probably expected that.

Taker will forever be known as a legend in this business, and regardless of whether or not he competes in New Orleans this year, nothing will ever change that.

With that being said, here is our list of The Undertaker’s 10 greatest WrestleMania matches.

#10 Diesel: WrestleMania 12

This was a fun brawl
This was a fun brawl

In what will be Taker’s only Mania entry from the 90s, we start with his one on one clash with Diesel. When you look back on this match it's bizarre to consider the possibility of Diesel, who was still a hot commodity at that time, putting over Taker who had already racked up a series of victories at the showcase of the immortals.

Nonetheless, that’s exactly what happened, and you could argue that this was The Deadman’s biggest Mania match at the time. It was a fun big man encounter in a match style that had often led to clunky matches, and although both men wound up having better matches later on in their careers, this one deserves more recognition than it gets.

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