
10 Reasons why fans love John Cena

The face that runs the place!

There's a common trend among today's wrestling fans, especially of the adult demographic and that is to hate John Cena. Not just dislike, I mean fans genuinely loathe the sight of Cena, for one reason or another. I'm going to speak honestly, from the perspective of a lifelong, 37-year-old wrestling fan, who fell in love with the business during the Golden Era.

Personally, I more or less stand in the middle of the road, when it comes to this topic. While I'm not necessarily a huge fan of John Cena, I have never really disliked him either. In fact, I respect what he's done and to be honest, I have a hard time understanding the devout hatred towards him. Nonetheless, there are those who just don't like him and regardless what you or I ever say, they will never like him, no matter what.

The funniest part of all of this madness is many of them cannot give you an honest, legit reason for their disdain towards the 15-time world champ. 

With this said, there are still plenty of folks out there who do like John Cena. There are those who go beyond liking Cena and actually revere him to a near righteous stature, similar to some sort of major religious figure. If you have any doubt about that notion, just check the WWE merchandise sales for the past decade, not another superstar comes even remotely close to the merch. sales that Cena has compiled. 

There may be some reading this who question why anyone would actually care enough bout John Cena, to actually purchase something with his name and/or likeness on it. Well, look no further, because, in this column, I will enlighten you with several reasons why fans love John Cena. 

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