
10 “Say What?” Moments from WWE Smackdown Live: December 13th 2016


Miz TV would once again end in chaos on an explosive Smackdown Live

It’s fair to say that this hasn’t been the most significant week in WWE this year. It feels that we are plodding along to 2017 and the Royal Rumble, which is when the road to WrestleMania becomes clearer and things get a lot more interesting.

However, with recent long-term feuds seemingly coming to an end on SmackDown Live, what does WWE have in store for stars like AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose and The Miz for the next few weeks?

As for this week, the main event would see James Ellsworth receive his mandatory WWE World Title shot against AJ Styles. This match was initially delayed last week due to an injury to Styles, but would it take place this Tuesday?

#1 James ill-sworth


Everyone’s sick of Ellsworth and know he is too

For the second week in a row, the scheduled main event of SmackDown Live was cancelled, and this week it was due to James Ellsworth being ‘ill’.

This was seemingly a work by WWE and not a genuine illness, but I can’t see why they would decide to do this. The James Ellsworth character is becoming stale, and I was looking forward to getting this match out of the way this week and having everyone move on to different things.

The longer it takes for this match to happen, the less interest I have in it. The sooner it’s all said and done, the better.

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