10 TNA matches fans would love to see in WWE right now

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a pro-wrestling promotion known as TNA—one that was then heralded by every industry ‘expert’ as the successor to WCW, and a new, and a very real threat to the WWE.
Well, now that you reminisce about the same, it wasn’t that long ago when TNA was The place to be—tantalising Knockouts, high-flying X-Division action, bona fide mega-stars such as AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and several others in their prime; legends in the form of Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan, and others, eventually joining the ranks.
That was back in the early-2000s up until the company went downhill in the post-2011 phase; with several trade pundits attributing the now-tottering company’s fall from grace to the time the Hulkster took over and Eric Bischoff convinced Dixie Carter to proceed onward to a head-on collision with the WWE by taking TNA tapings on the road.
Regardless of the shortfalls, TNA would eventually garner more than a considerable share of infamy. The fact remains that the six-sided ring has borne witness to several legendary feuds and all-time classic matchups between once-in-a-generation talents. Here, we revisit a select few iconic TNA matches that I guarantee you’d love to see in WWE today.
Now, bear in mind, this isn’t in any manner, merely an appeal to your nostalgia, but rather a genuine attempt to tug at the heartstrings of the hardcore professional wrestling fan which resides inside each and every one of us in this wonderful fraternity. Let’s hope we get a part deux of these showdowns in WWE—
#10 Samoa Joe vs Bobby Roode
Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode presently compete under the WWE umbrella, however, you would be remiss to account the majority of the fame and respect they’ve earned over the course of their respective careers, only to their work in the WWE as of late.
Truth be told, both Joe and Roode spent the better part of their prime inside the Six-Sided ring, putting on one fantastic performance after another, jaw-dropping spots and glorious moments galore! Regardless, Joe is now a proven star on the WWE main roster, in lieu of his main-event billing against Brock Lesnar at Great Balls of Fire, besides, routinely competing as a top Superstar for the red brand.
On that other hand, you have Roode, who recently made his main roster debut and went over Dolph Ziggler, whilst simultaneously establishing himself as one of SmackDown’s top stars.
Roode and Joe have faced each other multiple times in the Impact Zone, with their No. 1 contender match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship being a highly technical display of wrestling skills -- one of the better matches in recent TNA history which went down in 2014.
The WWE ought to redo the match between Roode and Joe possibly at Survivor Series in the days to come.