
10 WWE Stars That Made The Most of Another Wrestler's Opportunity

WWE Legends
WWE Legends

Wrestling is all about making the most of any opportunity provided. Every wrestler must find a path to success to accomplish their goals and make a name. Many variables can come into play to deliver an opportunity that wrestlers could not have expected to come.

WWE specifically is a promotion where things change at the drop of a hat. Injuries will see storylines and long-term plans change due to the nature of the physical business with a grueling schedule. Other issues like wrestlers leaving or needing time off can also open positions since the company has no offseason or time to rebound.

The change on the fly can become a huge benefit to a wrestler treading water. There are only so few relevant pushes taking place on WWE television on a weekly basis. A superstar desperately wanting a chance to break out or reach the next level will be extra motivated to do their best when getting an unexpected opportunity.

Most wrestling success stories feature at least one moment when a wrestler runs with the ball as opposed to just getting shoved into the end zone by WWE. Each of the following wrestlers certainly did not waste their chance to make an impact when getting another wrestler’s opportunity.

#10 Edge

The Ultimate Opportunist
The Ultimate Opportunist

WrestleMania 23 featured one of the greatest opening matches in show history when Mr. Kennedy won the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Kennedy, however, would be forced to give it up after suffering an injury and the WWE felt that it would take him out for many months.

A decision was made to have Edge defeat Kennedy to win the briefcase and cash it in to beat The Undertaker for the World Championship. This opportunity allowed Edge to move from being a secondary main eventer on Raw to the top heel on Smackdown. Edge is synonymous with the history of Smackdown thanks to this run that was not even planned until Kennedy got hurt.

Edge has often been known as the Ultimate opportunist. But this was something that was delivered to him and he took it with both hands.

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