
10 WWE Superstars and their salaries

You can't see me...but look at all my cash!
You can't see me...but look at all my cash!

One of the most common questions I get from wrestling fans, is "how much do wrestlers make?" For years now, it's been a hot topic of discussion and while there is an abundance of rumors out there regarding WWE salaries, no one knows for certain exactly what the superstars make, because it's not something that the company releases to the public.

However, there are several fairly credible sources who give us their beliefs on what the talent makes.

There are several factors that go into play, when it comes to how much a wrestlers makes each year. Each superstar gets a base salary and royalties on certain items, such as action figures, publications and so on.

The wrestlers also received income from non-wrestling appearances, such as comic-con and Wizard World. Some receive additional income from gate money from house shows and a select few get paid a percentage of pay-per-view profits.

Some superstars also receive a percentage of their merchandise sold. There are also certain perks that some of the top-talent enjoys, such as first class airfare, personal tour buses and private jet usage. All of these things add up to additional income, on top of what is negotiated on their contracts as base salary.

As far as the contract itself, the WWE contract is broken down into 14 detailed sections. For those interested in what each section pertains to, here's what each section is labeled as, in order.

  1. Booking
  2. Works/Programs
  3. Intellectual Property
  4. Merchandising
  5. Exclusivity
  6. Term & Territory
  7. Payments & Royalties
  8. Promoters Obligations
  9. Talent Obligations
  10. Warranty
  11. Early Termination
  12. Breach
  13. Miscellaneous
  14. Confidentiality

All of the above mentioned sections are gone over in strict detail, during the contract signing. Each individual section is then initialed and signed by the superstar, as well as the person going over the contract, as well as a witness, which is typically someone else from WWE Talent Management, such as Triple H.

While the salaries are each negotiated individually, the overall amount each wrestler will make, is determined on a case-by-case situation. No two salary negotiations are the same and the overall salaries vary. The average salary can range anywhere from the low six figures, to the tens of millions of dollars, all depending upon the respective superstar.

As I mentioned earlier, there are numerous sources that claim to have the exact salaries of each superstar. However, there are only a few that are considered credible sources. What I have done, is taken several credible reporting sources and compiled my own listing of ten current WWE Superstars and their approximate salary for 2016.

I have also included each superstars net worth.

Also Read: What is Becky Lynch's net worth?

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