
10 WWE superstars who deserved better than they got

Not getting the reward you deserve for your work is probably one of the worst feelings ever. And this feeling is going to carry a lot more sting if you belong to the wrestling business.

While a lot of superstars get the easy route into the limelight, others have to crawl their way through mud to get noticed. Not getting the proper push or recognition even after shedding your sweat and blood inside the squared circle could destroy a wrestler’s morale on any day.

The history of WWE has a lot of similar tales to tell about superstars who deserved better than they got and we are going to take some time out to look at those wrestlers.

Honourable Mention: CM Punk

CM Punk

CM Punk lashed out against WWE in the podcast with Colt Cabana after his departure and one of the most important things he pointed out was his dream of headlining WrestleMania. Although a lot of the fans might not agree with this, Punk deserved to live his dream in the WWE.

He had the ability in the ring and produced some memorable matches for the fans. Giving him a spot in the WrestleMania main event was something WWE should have done while he was there and since they didn’t, the company now has one great wrestler short in their roster.



Goldust recently picked up a pretty nasty injury will be out of action for a long time. The latest injury is another big blow for Goldust, whose career has been a saga of being underrated. Being the son of Dusty Rhodes, Goldust did not have much trouble making it into the business, but he did have a tough time breaking out of his father’s shadows.

He finally did it with his weird Goldust gimmick but what everyone overlooked was the incredible talent he had in between the ropes. From his starting day to his current run, Goldust has given consistent performances in the ring and he clearly deserved to be in the main event every once in a while rather than being stuck in the midcard.

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