
WWE Fastlane 2019 : 2 reasons why The Shield headlined the show

The Shield stood tall to end Fastlane 2019.
The Shield stood tall to end Fastlane 2019.

Fastlane 2019 is done and dusted. There have been some fantastic matches throughout the night, especially the WWE Championship bout between the Champion Daniel Bryan, Kevin Owens and the surprise entrant Mustafa Ali. However, the match for the most prestigious championship in WWE did not headline this Pay Per View. Instead, it was the Shield's "one last time" clash against the team of Bobby Lashley, Baron Corbin, and Drew McIntyre that headlined the last PPV before Wrestlemania 35.

It was an odd decision since the PPV hosted two major matches - the WWE Championship match and the match between Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch to determine whether Becky Lynch would go to the main event of Wrestlemania 35. However, Vince McMahon and co decided to go ahead with the decision, and in this list, we will take a look at a few reasons why the Shield headlined Fastlane 2019.

#2 Possible last run

Dean Ambrose may leave WWE this April.
Dean Ambrose may leave WWE this April.

According to WWE, Dean Ambrose will leave WWE once his contract expires in April this year. That could mean that we may not see the Shield inside a WWE ring for a considerable time after Fastlane 2019.

The last reunion of The Shield had been a failure and had to overcome many adversities. In the 2017 reunion, Roman Reigns suffered viral meningitis, and Dean Ambrose suffered legitimate injury - forcing WWE to scrap the entire Shield angle.

However, once they reunited in 2018, things looked good for them until the terrible news of Roman Reigns' cancer hit the WWE Universe. Reigns had to take a hiatus from WWE, forcing WWE to scrap the Shield plans again.

Now WWE had a final chance to give the Shield a match and decided to highlight it as much as they could.

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