WWE Survivor Series 2015: Armageddon is about to happen
Fifteen years ago, I wouldn’t have thought for a second that a WWE pay-per-view event would fail miserably. Vince McMahon would grab his magic bag of tricks and pull out a show-stopping thriller that would leave us with our chins on the ground.
Today, we cannot remain tight-lipped to save our lives about how awful wrestling has become. A Survivors Series pay-per-view without a traditional Survivor Series match? What has the world come to and better yet, what happened to long-standing tradition?
I guess it went out the window the moment McMahon got this notion in his head last year that Roman Reigns had to be the new company champion and anything else will not be tolerated, especially since Seth Rollins is on the shelf until the end of the summer.
What we have here is a failure to communicate with the wrestling fans of today. A WWE World Title Tournament that has been predictable and three matches to determine the new leader of wrestling’s free world. Could there be anything less predictable? Could there be anything the fans are less enthusiastic?
This is about as exciting as when Reigns won the Royal Rumble and The Rock came out to help Reigns get over with the fans in Philadelphia – And it failed!
The only thing that saves this even is a shakeup, a defining moment we all don’t see coming. The one move that will have us talking until the new year and the discussion of the Royal Rumble.
Reigns should win his WWE title and he will stand there in the middle of the ring in Atlanta when it is all said and done and the majority of the fans won’t give a damn about it. Many will boo, many will scream for Dean Ambrose to win and some will still chant CM Punk’s name.
Had to throw it in there for good measure – the fans really turned on this company the day Punk walked out of the company.
There is some ambiguity in all of this as we do not know what Trips or McMahon are thinking for this event and the final event of the year at TLC. To say Reigns will be an awful champion – should he win – is unfair to the character and the man behind the act.
There is a story being written about a man who comes from wrestling royalty, has a look of a warrior and could have gotten over with the fans had he won the Royal Rumble last year, gone to WrestleMania and won the title and had not suffered a hernia injury at the end of 2014.
Armageddon should have already happened – it was just curtailed a bit, and now the vast majority of fans want another path to take to root for a champion. If Dean Ambrose walks out of Atlanta with the title, I wouldn’t say it would be all that shocking, but it had better come with some price tag.
A heel turn, a finals match with Alberto Del Rio, who beats Reigns and forces a Reigns heel turn. A collaboration in some capacity of The Authority to get involved in the final outcome. Or maybe the shock of all shocks and Kevin Owens walks out with the title and Triple H is his new advisor.
Something has to happen. I am not sure what it is, but something has to wow us. Right now, fans are bleak on this show. There should be a buzz and hope. There is none of that. Survivor Series is a holiday tradition, just like turkey and all the fixings. Right now, it’s bread and water and a bland state of emotion.
Give us something to be crazy about. Give us hope. And give us something that is less predictable.
That’s all we ask.