
205 Live Results: June 5, 2018

Who is next in line for the Cruiserweight Championship?

Tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live began with a video of Drake Maverick discussing the talent of 205 Live. Maverick announced that Murphy could be back in contention soon, as he'd take on Mustafa Ali later on tonight. The GM also said that Lince Dorado would go one on one against Brian Kendrick.

Lince Dorado vs Brian Kendrick

Lince Dorado was accompanied to the ring by the rest of the Lucha House Party as the commentary team discussed LHP's noisemakers. Kendrick came out next, accompanied by his new acquaintance, Drew Gulak.

Kendrick came out of the gates as the bell rang, running Dorado into the corner and assaulting him with a hail of elbows. Dorado fought back with punches and chops, forcing the former Cruiserweight Champion into the opposite corner, following up with a hurricanrana that would put him outside.

While Dorado and Kendrick fought on the outside, Gulak let it be known that he should be Cedric Alexander's next challenger for the Cruiserweight Championship.

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Kendrick took over, using the barricade to his advantage. He then threw Dorado into the ring, keeping the luchador grounded as Gulak read from his anti-luchador pamphlet.

Kendrick repeatedly kicked Dorado in between submission holds, keeping him on his back. The former Champion repeatedly slammed Dorado in between holds, then threw him into the corner, but Dorado burst out and hit him with a flying heel kick, followed by a head scissors takedown. Dorado then took Kendrick down with a flying cross body followed by a suicide dive.

Gulak distracted Dorado while he was outside, allowing Kendrick to take advantage, throwing Dorado into Gran Metalik. However, when he went back into the ring, Dorado caught him with the Golden Rewind for the win.

Results: Lince Dorado defeated Brian Kendrick

Gulak assaulted LHP after the match but was chased off before he was able to do any damage to Lince Dorado.

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