
205 Live Review - Hits and Misses: February 6, 2018

205 Live, The official show for the cruiserweights.
205 Live, The official show for the cruiserweights.

Yesterday, another episode of WWE 205 Live was aired. In this series, I will be reflecting on the hits and misses of the latest episode of 205 Live.

This week's episode consisted of two first-round cruiserweight championship matches, interesting story developments and fun matches so without further ado, let's get started!

Hit: Kalisto vs Lince Dorado

Lince Dorado and Kalisto shake hands before their match on 205 Live.
Lince Dorado and Kalisto shake hands before their match on 205 Live.

Wow! What a match between these two. Kalisto seemed like he was finally able to do what he does best and he had a great foil for doing so In his friend Lince Dorado. This match was a perfect example of what the Cruiserweight division should be.

Non-stop, high flying, breathe taking innovative manoeuvres that aren't seen very often in a WWE ring. This match also had a simple story of Both luchadors wanting and needing this win so bad. Callisto wins after a fantastic match, then gets his hand raised out of respect by Lince Dorado after the match.

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