
3 Biggest things WWE could be planning for Monday Night Raw (11 February, 2019)

Lynch got suspended last week on RAW
Lynch got suspended last week on Ra

After delivering plenty of good television following the Royal Rumble PPV, the WWE Creative went backwards to deliver another underwhelming episode of Monday Night Raw, although the absence of their top superstars probably forced their hands.

The only newsworthy segment coming out of last week's episode was Becky Lynch getting suspended for not taking medical supervision for her injured knee. The infuriated Becky Lynch responded by attacking Stephanie McMahon and then went on to SmackDown Live to get in an altercation with Triple H.

This week's Raw comes from Grand Rapids, Michigan and is a go-home show for the Elimination Chamber PPV.

Since there is hardly any intrigue around the event, WWE may fire on all the cylinders to increase the hype.

The biggest question arising before the show is, what will the WWE have in store for us for the go-home show?

Here are 3 big things WWE could be planning for Monday Night Raw.

#3 Becky Lynch gets in an altercation with Vince McMahon

Will it be Vince McMahon this week?
Will it be Vince McMahon this week?

If you haven't noticed it yet, WWE is clearly booking Becky Lynch as the female Stone Cold Steve Austin.

She has been coming off more like an Anti-Hero and Anti-Authority, as opposed to an out and out 'baby-face'.

When you combine her promo work as of late, as well as her tweets on social media, where she is going at WWE with fire more or less, it seems Becky is being prepped for the Anti-Authority role, and that seems to be something the fans are a hundred percent behind.

She already set an example on Monday Night Raw and SmackDown Live last week by attacking Stephanie McMahon and her husband Triple H.

Since Lynch is invited on Raw once again, I for one wouldn't be surprised to see her get in Vince McMahon's face, and that would only help elevate her to the legendary status she seems to be heading.

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