
3 Bonkers Surprises From RAW We'd Never Have Guessed Would Happen

The Shield retaliate
The Shield retaliate

This week's Raw had a lot to follow given the amount of surprises that took place on last week's. We still got what we expected which was The Shield retaliating, Triple H addressing the Undertaker and more Raw Tag Team Title developments

However, there were once again some absolutely unexpected events that took place on this week's episode that no-one, and I mean no-one saw coming! It seems that this current Shield storyline has allowed the WWE to take Monday Night Raw in many different directions.

Hopefully the WWE can keep these surprises coming as their shows are at their best when they can shock the audience. The surprises weren't just Shield related though, find out what they were as we bring you the 3 bonkers surprises from Raw we've never have guessed would happen!

#1. Mick Foley

Mick Foley made a huge announcement
Mick Foley made a huge announcement

The returning WWE legend, Mick Foley making an appearance on Raw wasn't a huge surprise at all. The WWE announced it last week, so none of us were shocked when he made his way to the ring.

However it was a shock to see him be the one to interrupt Elias this week, as it seems the WWE now has a thing for having returning former icons like Foley and Stratus interrupt the 'Drifter' mid-song.

What was also shocking however was what Mick Foley had to say! As he announced that he would be part of this year's Hell in a Cell match, 20 years after being infamously thrown off the structure.

And to make things even better, Foley announced that he'll be the special guest referee for the Braun Strowman vs Roman Reigns Universal Title match. Meaning that for the first time ever we're probably going to see a referee get thrown off of the cell.

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