
3 crucial things we learnt from tonight's SmackDown

A possible match at Mania?
A possible match at Mania?

The latest edition of WWE Smackdown ended up being a major deciding factor heading towards the Show of Shows, WrestleMania. Multiple storylines progressed and we ended up getting subtle hints at huge possible Mania matches.

Bryan and Owens went at it to begin the show, with Owens stating how he got sick of Daniel Bryan becoming the WWE champion and replacing the title with the hemp belt. Owens knew at that time that he was going to come back and target the planet's champion to put an end to his championship reign once and for all.

Let's take a look at three crucial things we learnt on tonight's SmackDown.

#3 Rey Mysterio vs Andrade might not happen at Mania

We have this match at the Fastlane pre-show
We have this match at the Fastlane pre-show

The speculation had been running rampant since weeks, that Rey Mysterio and Andrade would be facing off against each other at the Grandest Stage of Them All.

After tonight's SmackDown, the chances of this match to happen at Mania are looking pretty bleak. Mysterio and Andrade are going to face off on the pre-show of WWE Fastlane, and this might be a sign that they'll get placed in a multi-man match at WrestleMania 35.

Both these superstars have gone toe to toe on multiple occasions and it doesn't seem that WWE would give us the same weekly match on the big stage unless there's a huge stipulation added to the match.

#2 Lynch is still a badass

Becky locked the Dis-Arm-Her on Flair tonight
Becky locked the Dis-Arm-Her on Flair tonight

Charlotte Flair called out The Man, Becky Lynch, for a final faceoff before their match at Fastlane. A limping Becky Lynch came out on crutches and entered the ring. The duo exchanged some pleasantries for a while with Charlotte stating how with all of her injuries, Becky is still a dangerous human being.

Charlotte added that people like her have nothing to lose, and followed it up by launching a ruthless attack on an injured Lynch. The Queen proceeded to whip The Man with a jacket, but Becky somehow managed to grab her crutch and turn the fight around!

Becky proceeded to lock in a Dis-Arm-Her on Flair, but Charlotte managed to free herself from the enraged Becky. After taking a ruthless beating from Ronda on Monday Night Raw, Becky still has that fire inside her that we saw months back before Survivor Series.

The match at Fastlane is going to be a sight to behold, with Becky managing to come out on top and securing her deserved spot in the title match at Mania.

#1 We might get Cena vs Joe at Mania

A long time coming!
A long time coming!

Samoa Joe won the United States championship in shocking fashion after a gruelling fatal-four way match pitting R-Truth, Rey and Andrade.

R-Truth came out for his weekly challenge and was confronted by the three superstars. This led to the match being immediately scheduled, which Joe won to finally win a title on the main roster!

A backstage interview with Joe after the match revealed that unlike Truth, he doesn't love John Cena, and he won't be pandering to the masses. This could be a sign of things to come. Cena's Mania match is still up in the air, but from what we saw tonight, we could probably get a Cena vs Joe match for the United States title at WrestleMania 35.

Fans have been clamouring for this match since a long while and this would be a completely fresh feud going into the show of shows, as both the superstars haven't really had a proper program in the past.

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