
3 Hilarious botches that you probably didn't see on Monday Night Raw (April 29th, 2019) 

There were a number of botches this week on Raw
There were a number of botches this week on Raw

Money in the Bank is merely weeks away now and the matches for the show are shaping up with the men and women's competitors announced this week for WWE's annual ladder matches, as well as an interesting grudge match between Shane McMahon and The Miz inside a steel cage.

The fall out from WrestleMania has been somewhat sporadic with the Superstar Shake-Up taking place over the past few weeks and the build up to Money in the Bank taking center stage, which could be why some stars have had issues with botches as part of recent Raw shows.

Last night on Raw, once again there were a number of stand out botches between some of the company's biggest stars and here are some of the most noticeable ones.

#3. Rey Mysterio joins the botch list once again

Rey Mysterio was part of another interesting botch this week on Raw
Rey Mysterio was part of another interesting botch this week on Raw

Rey Mysterio took on Samoa Joe this week on Raw after already losing to the Samoan Submission Machine at WrestleMania in record time, but his fortunes seem to be changing since he was able to pin Joe following a roll up.

The issue here is the fact that Samoa Joe was under the ropes when the referee made the count, so it's unknown as to why the referee didn't react and tell Mysterio that it wasn't a legal pin, or why Joe didn't just grab on to the rope that was inches away from his fingers.

Whether or not this was part of the plan and Joe will now claim that Mysterio didn't actually pin him because it wasn't a legal pin still remains to be seen, but interestingly WWE didn't show any replays of the finish or share them online from different angles, which shows that the ending was obviously one that wasn't intended.

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