
3 Jobs You Won't Believe These WWE Superstars Had Before Wrestling

In this
In this article, we take a look at 3 jobs you won't believe these WWE Superstars had before wrestling...

Sports entertainment is far from being an "easy" business, and without question, about 90 percent of the wrestlers in the business have worked their butts off to achieve their successes -- of course, there are a few exceptions with family wrestling connections or ties, but for most talent, professional wrestling is about as hard a way to earn a living imaginable. Not only do wrestlers spend countless hours on the road with little time for rest, but the sport of pro-wrestling itself is also beyond gruelling on the human body.

However, thousands upon thousands of aspiring sports entertainers continue to do what they do in hopes of achieving their dreams (typically of becoming a WWE Superstar and a future World Champion), and it can be guaranteed that most wrestlers in the business have worked odd jobs to help finance their "dream" job.

Unless you're wealthy or come from a prestigious wrestling family such as the Ortons or the Anoa'is, hard work, determination, and the cliche "blood sweat and tears" are all required to even consider a professional wrestling career. WWE Superstars may be celebrities and "larger than life", but at one point in time, they too worked odd jobs like the rest of us. Today, we will look at 3 jobs you won't believe these WWE Superstars had before wrestling...

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#3 AJ Styles: Trash Collector

AJ Styles may be one of the most decorated WWE Superstars of all time, but
AJ Styles may be one of the most decorated WWE Superstars of all time, but "The Phenomenal One" used to work a not-so phenomenal job before wrestling...

Before becoming "The Phenomenal One" in Impact Wrestling, NJPW, and most recently WWE, AJ Styles was working a not so thrilling job to make ends meet. For those unaware, AJ doesn't come from an extremely wealthy family background, and Styles was barely making ends meet during his late teenage and early adulthood years.

AJ Styles used to be a trash collector at a raceway, and as you may have expected, Styles was earning very little income from this "career" path.

However, despite his poor upbringing financial-wise, Styles never let his dream of becoming a professional wrestler go to rest, and without question, AJ has thoroughly succeeded in the business over the past two decades all over the world.

AJ Styles is undoubtedly one of the top wrestlers in the business today, and as such, Styles is earning a hefty annual salary in the 2.5 million dollar range -- an inane number compared to his first job's wage without a doubt.

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