
3 main eventers Vince McMahon will stop pushing and 3 he won't

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Is Drew McIntyre still McMahon's pet project?

Let's face it - in 2019, practically no superstar has a guarantee of getting pushed consistently. It was just a few years ago when fans used to anticipate the debuts of top NXT stars, hopeful that their success would translate to the main roster in a bigger way.

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As we had to learn the hard way, that wasn't the case at all. But it was no fault of the performers. It was the fault of the company who wasn't (and to a large extent, still isn't) able to handle multiple talents even though many are capable of being legitimate main eventers.

Now, there's a sense of dread whenever a superstar is called up from NXT, there's a sense of dread because fans know that their career in WWE has peaked creatively.

The reality is that when they want to, WWE can make anyone look really good. It's just that the current state of creative affairs seemingly prevents anyone from looking better. Either way, there are quite a few superstars who are being pushed on a main event level now that won't reach the projected heights. Here are a few who will stop being pushed and a few who won't.

#3. Will stop pushing: Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin has never fully proved himself in the role
Baron Corbin has never fully proved himself in the role

One can't help but think that had Jason Jordan never gotten injured, he would have been in Corbin's current spot. The difference was that Jordan really took to pro wrestling better. He was a better athlete, a far better in-ring worker and towards the end, he was even finding his stride as an oblivious heel.

However, Corbin keeps getting pushed despite not really suiting the role. It seems inevitable that Vince McMahon will give up on him due to the lack of reactions he gets.

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