
3 Moments that made fans genuinely hate Brock Lesnar

Brock left Orton a bloody mess at Summerslam
Brock left Orton a bloody mess at Summerslam

Brock Lesnar has had a decorated career in the WWE, ever since he debuted back in 2002. Over the course of his two runs in the company, Lesnar has destroyed superstars, won titles and broken long-standing streaks.

We have come to a point where fans have grown completely tired of Brock Lesnar's shtick where he doesn't care one bit about the title he holds on his shoulder. Some might even allege that Lesnar's disrespect for the WWE and its major title has left a bad taste in the fans' mouth. But this isn't the first time when fans have hated The Beast with all their heart. Here are three WWE moments that made fans hate Brock Lesnar.

#3 Lesnar destroys Randy Orton

The match didn't end well for Orton
The match didn't end well for Orton

As Summerslam 2016 grew closer, WWE announced a blockbuster match to end the show, pitting The Viper, Randy Orton against Brock Lesnar. Fans had waited for this supposed dream match since the two superstars made their debut in 2002.

The match couldn't have been more one-sided. Brock beat the tar out of Randy Orton, hitting him with legit elbow shots to the head until blood started gushing out. This also led to a backstage confrontation between Jericho and Brock that was broken up by Vince McMahon.

Although this beatdown was preplanned, fans couldn't have been more pissed off at the state Lesnar left Orton in at Summerslam.

#2 Brock doesn't want to come to the ring

The segment that was pulled in from reality
The segment that was pulled in from reality

The build-up to the Universal title match at WrestleMania 34 was a weird one. The WWE tried to inculcate Brock's feelings towards WWE and its major title to the storyline. Brock was known for only caring about WWE's paycheck and nothing else.

Fans watched in disgust as a desperate Paul Heyman tried his best to convince a disinterested Lesnar to come out in front of the fans. Brock, who was busy reading a magazine, didn't take this lightly and threatened Heyman with force.

At a time when fans were clearly pissed off at Lesnar for not caring about them one bit, this segment added that much-needed fuel to the fire and made the WWE Universe hate him even more.

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